Happy New Year! These are my twelve wishes of year 2012. Do you have yours ?
There are things I want to accomplish this year.
1. Finish the rest of professional license exams. I passed 2 and have 5 more to go.
2. A 365-day project for my creativity and self-discipline practice. There are a lot of people doing it. Some succeed. Some don't. But i think it is interesting to try. It's like walking. You walk everyday, you get better at walking. I already got an one-inch-thick sketchbook and the best way to make sure I keep the promise is to post it on my 365 project log.
3. Make this "Everyday" Appreciation...not weekly or monthly appreciation. It means I can't sit around surfing internet or daydreaming. I need to tick my brain to think by read and listen to something that will inspire me to write.
4. Improve quality of my drawing, painting, photography and also my greeting cards. I hope my daily practice from the wish#2 will help me some ways.
5. Make a couple big paddling trips. (And when I say big, I mean big for a newbie like me. :P) The places I am considering are Chicago, Chincoteague and Adirondacks. And learn new paddle strokes.
6. Get myself a shredder. Seriously.
7. Practice sightreading, please, even just 10 minutes a day. The fact that I put my piano lesson on hold doesn't mean I can't practice sightreading on my own.
8. Empty half of my bookshelves and storage. So I can keep my place a bit more organized.
9. 10% of my income must go to saving account. I totally blew my savings with my trip in Canada in 2011 and a new lens. And the fact that the amount of money spent on my shopping equals to my grocery bill last year did not impress me.
And here is the list of what I want to continue doing from last year.
10. Volunteering at FOHA weekly and at others. Volunteering connects me to a different group of people who care about giving their help to others in need and concentrate less on business side of living. I really enjoy doing it. It's much more fun than shopping.
11. Exercise more (so I can eat more). Improve my lap swim. And once Spring season arrives I will walk around the lake nearby in the evening again. But in conclusion losing 5 lbs is really my main goal.
12. Get over my recent crush completely. It's not healthy. I think I am getting there. Friendship is always the best place to start. Diving is exciting but it's also dangerous if you are not ready handle the outcome. Need to have my brain start kicking in faster next time.
Wish me a success! Best of luck to you all.