The Meaning of Success in Your Career is ?

Or what does growing up in your career mean ?

Does it mean you can do what others can ? Even though it leaves you exhausted at the end of the day and uninspired when you get up in the morning. Just to prove to others that you can do it...too ? And if you can't or you don't want to, does it mean you fail ? Why do we want everyone to be the same ? So we can compare ? So we can set their salary ?

Or does it mean you find what your talent or interest is,work it out, feel happy, feel fulfilled and be able to make a living out of it ? Even though you step into the unknown future where no steady income is foreseen.

Or does it only mean getting out of your comfort zone ? Does working hard in your comfort zone mean you are immature ?

Are we not at our best when we are doing what we are good at or interested in ?

Is success judged by the amount of money you make, the numbers of awards you receive, the recognition you gain, the competition or simply your happiness ?

What is it ?